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[:tr]Kurs Günleri Kongresi[:en]Course Days Congress[:]


TATD tarafından ilki 2017 yılında düzenlenmeye başlayan kurs günleri kongresi formatı ile tıp eğitimi alanında ülkemizin öncü kongrelerinden biri olma özelliğine sahiptir.
Kongremiz tamamen spesifik bilgi ve becerilere yönelik 30 farklı kurstan oluşmaktadır ve her bir kurs yarım gün sürmektedir. Kongrenin planlanması gereği her bir katılımcı en fazla 6 kurs seçebilmektedir ve kurs seçimleri kayıt sırasında yapılan seçimlere göre belirlenmektedir.

Bildiri Özeti Kitapları

[:en]The Course Days Congress which was first held in 2017 by EMAT, is one of the leading congresses on medical education regarding its unique format among our country. Our congress consists of 30 individual courses aimed at particular knowledge and skills and every course lasts half day. Due to the planning of the congress, each attendee can choose 6 out of 30 courses at maximum at the time of registration. Our Courses in 2019: Emergency Abdominal CT Imaging Course Red Flags in Emergency Medicine – Trauma Course Red Flags in Emergency Medicine Emergency Thoracic CT Imaging Course Lung USG Course Research Planning Course Acid-Base Disorders and ABG Interpretation Course Abdominal USG Course Biomicroscope Course Dental Emergencies Course ECMO Course ECG Dysrhythmias Course ECG Challenging Diagnoses Course ECHO Course Geriatric Emergencies Course HFO 2 – NIMV Course Case Based Emergency Management at Secondary Level Course– 1 Case Based Emergency Management at Secondary Level Course – 2 Case Based Emergency Management at Secondary Level Course – 3 ACLS Course Advanced Airway Course Critical Care Course Article Reviewing Course Article Writing Course Mechanical Ventilation Course Neuroımaging Course Orthopaedic Intervention Course Peripheral Nerve Blocks Course Use of SPSS Course Tactical Emregency Medical Support ECG Basics Course Medical Law Course Toxicology Course Assesment of Volume State Course Wellness Course Wound Closure Techniques – Advanced Course Wound Closure Techniques – Basic Course[:]